Wednesday, June 18, 2008

one-way ticket

My good friend Georgette told me that she was thinking about me last night. The thought that I will buy a one-way ticket to Hawaii and never come back freaks her out.

Why? I asked

Because we don't usually buy a one-way ticket, Georgette replied

That is true.

I have done it four times this life

Firs time, August 1992 when I purchased a one-way ticket from Taiwan to Houston. I came to study masters degree.

Second time, June 2004 when I forgot my visa in Japan and purchased a one-way ticket from Japan back to Taiwan. I found my dissertation topic from this unexpected detour.

Third time, July 2004 when I purchased a one-way ticket from Taiwan back to Houston to continue my pursuit of my doctorate degree.

Four time, August 2008. I will buy a one-way ticket to Hawaii where I will pursuit my tenure-track Assistant professor career. At least give it a try.

The truth is, we can always "go back" even when we purchase a one-way ticket.

The real one-way ticket is our life, I told Georgette. We can never "go back."

How ready are we going along our one-way journey in this life?

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